Thank you for your interest in Freebie Fridays!
You can submit here for consideration for an upcoming feature in our Freebie Friday email and on-site placement. To be considered, you must submit one title to run for free and 2-3 related titles that will run at a discount.
Our team will reach out to you if your submission is accepted. Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we are unable to respond to submissions that are not accepted.
All Freebie Friday features are subject to a $150 listing fee.

Basic Information

Search for the audiobook you want to promote. If you’re having trouble finding the book you’d like to promote, we recommend searching by ISBN.
If you still cannot find your book, please reach out to our team.
Our editorial team may select your book for a different category than the one you suggest if another audience is a better fit.

Related Deals

You must select at least two related audiobooks to run price discounts on during your Freebie Friday feature.

Related Deal 1

Related Deal 2

Related Deal 3